FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Over the years we have collected the most frequent questions which you will find answered here. Alternatively you can call us with your questions on these numbers:
United Kingdom: +44 (0)20 7183 4544
USA/Canada: +1 646 688-1335
Germany: +49 (0)40 450 4102
Please see the information about your Right of Cancellation in our info center.

Worldwide delivery is free of charge unless you are a retailer, architect or interior designer who enjoys our quantity discount. In this case free shipping might not fully apply.

If the delivery address is either within the European Union or within the USA there will be no import duty or other import fees charged. Dealers and interior designers who enjoy our quantity discount could be charged import duty.

The region in which the rug is currently located is displayed in the detailed view of the rug e.g. European Union or USA. Delivery is free anywhere unless you are a dealer, architect or interior designer who enjoys our quantity discount, then free shipping does not fully apply.

Yes, we can send rugs on a consignment/approval basis before the actual purchase. It is also possible to send a choice of different rugs so that you can decide which rug to choose while seeing and inspecting the rugs yourself (possibly along with your customer).

Yes, we either inspect the rugs ourselves conscientiously and check the value, condition, quality and possible repairs or we send selected reliable Oriental carpet experts to do this for us. We would then give you a detailed description of the rug and our assessment of whether the asking price is justified.

Yes, we will gladly contact all our suppliers and start searching for your perfect rug. Just let us know all possible details of your wishes about the rug. Ideally you can look into the Advanced Search and let us know your requirements for all the search criteria on the Oriental rug detailed search page.

No, photo prints of our rugs can be sent to you via regular post at no cost. We strongly recommend this before purchase since chances are that the colors of photo prints are closer to the real colors of the rug. The colors of digital pictures are always dependent on the quality and the configuration of the monitor.

Well, the honest answer is you can never really be sure. In general it is better to ask us to send certain photo prints to you by post since chances are that the colors of the photo prints are closer to the real colors of the rug. The colors of digital pictures are always dependent on the quality and the configuration of the monitor. If you want to know the precise color of a certain rug we can also send you a color sample of a specific color of the rug.

There are two possible reasons for this:
1) Often prices of certain Oriental rugs are being re-negotiated with the owners and (hopefully) lower as a result. Sometimes though suppliers of these rugs increase their prices due to an increase of the general market prices for that specific type of rug.
2) Rugs are often offered in a different currency from the one in which you have chosen to see the prices. For instance if you live in the USA and we offer you a rug located in Italy, the price we quote you would be dependent on the exchange rate between Euro and US-Dollar and would therefore be fluctuating over time.

Oriental-Carpets.com is actually a platform for rug dealers seeking to sell their rugs through our website. Whether they offer these rugs for relatively low or higher prices is up to them. We do accept reasonable deviations from the expected market prices and mostly our suppliers reduce their asking prices in order to achieve better sales results on our website. We reserve the right not to accept submission of certain rugs as a result of unrealistic prices or to delete the rugs from our database later. However, certain vendors simply ask better prices than others which is again reflected in our online prices. Upon request we would be glad to let you know our assessment of the value for money of certain prices plus we can always pass on your counter offer to our supplier in case you should regard a price as too high.

No, we offer new, semi-antique and antique Oriental, European and modern rugs.

Yes, we also offer antique French Aubussons and Savonneries, antique English rugs such as Axminster or Needlepoint, Irish Donegal etc...

The availability of the rugs is being checked and updated regularly. However, due to the huge number of rugs and suppliers and due to the fact that any rug can be sold by its owner just a day before you would like to purchase it, we can't make sure every rug offered online is available at any given time. Owners of the rugs are not obliged to reserve the rugs for us exclusively. Therefore offers subject to prior sale. Upon request we would always check availability of certain rugs and reserve them for a period of e.g. two weeks. If a rug is purchased online and then it turns out the rug is not available anymore we would of course refund the money right away.

Yes, we offer handmade rugs from Nepal to be custom made in many different designs and colors. Please contact us for further information.

No, oriental-carpets.com is a platform for (mostly) wholesalers around the world submitting their rugs to us. We check rug entries on their accurateness and we check availability of the rugs on a regular basis. If we should reach the conclusion that a rug is too expensive we reserve the right to delete the rug or in some cases even exclude the supplier in general from our database.

The prices on our website are retail prices. Dealers, interior designers and architects please register in order to have access to dealer prices. However, we reserve the right to deny our quantity discount to certain applicants.

Registering as a customer or submitting Oriental rugs to our database is free of any charge. We are your negotiating party and we would purchase the rug(s) from you at your final asking price, no commission would accrue.

Firstly the rug has to be hand made. In general we carry rugs which are larger than 13 ft long (approx. 4 meter) so that would be preferable as well. Pictures should be available and prices should be wholesale market prices or under. In general it applies that the lower the prices and the better the pictures, the quicker your rugs will be sold through our website. If we should believe that a submitted rug is too expensive we reserve the right to delete the rug or in some cases even exclude the supplier in general from our database.

No, it is not important at all as long as the criteria mentioned above are fulfilled. Carpets may be located anywhere in the world to be accepted into our database.

We use your data primarily to process your order. For this purpose, if necessary, your data is passed on to other companies such as e.g. shipping agents. These companies are allowed to merely use your data to process your order with us and not for any other purposes. We might use your e-mail address or home address to send you our newsletter, provided we have previously received your approval to do so. You can cancel your approval of sending you newsletters at any time by changing your profile accordingly or by contacting us.