More about the provenance Amritsar, ca. 1920 | India
The city of Amritsar is located at the border to Pakistan and it is a holy city of the Sikhs. The name has its origin in "Amrita Saras" which means "holy pond". It is the name of the sea in the holy Golden Temple of the Sikhs. Amritsar gained importance as a carpet producing area in the year of 1840. Carpet makers from Kashmir brought their traditional techniques and designs to Amritsar. Therefore Amritsar rugs were made using Kashmir technique and first class wool. The designs mostly follow the Indo-Iranian tradition.
This Oriental rug has a so called "open design". Any rug in which the medallion is surrounded by a large area of a plain one-colored field and if at all have corner patterns within the field. The open design is currently experiencing a come back and became very popular. | - contemporary and oriental | new and antique - very large, L, XL, XXL, oversize and huge area rugs